Wednesday, December 4, 2013

MSU Graduating Seniors Recap

Graduating from college can come with a myriad of mixed emotions; feelings of excitement, being nervous and nostalgic seem to be reoccurring emotions among seniors.

Michigan State University seniors Kelly Fournier and Julie Thompson have mixed emotions about graduating this May, but they said their internships have relieved most of their graduation anxiety. Both women said their internships gave them real life experience and prepared them for their future careers, as well as knowing what they should expect post-graduation.

Career Services Coordinator at MSU Bill Morgan works at Career Services on MSU’s campus and helps students find internships and jobs. Morgan said internships are part of the norm now and the majority of employers expect to see at least one internship on a resume.

Internships are a rewarding experience; you get first-hand experience with what it’s like to work in your future career field, and in the case of Fournier and Thompson, internships can help relieve feelings of uncertainty towards graduation.

MSU Graduating Seniors Preview

As the month of May is approaching faster than some would like to believe, graduating Michigan State University seniors are forced to come to terms with the fact that their college days are soon over. As the fall semester dwindles down, seniors may develop signs of senioritis, and even mixed emotions about how they feel about graduation.

MSU seniors are probably excited to get out in the “real world” to see what it has to offer and put to use their skills that they have been developing and perfecting for the past four years. The feeling of nervousness may also arise for seniors as they have to leave their comfort zone of MSU.

Students take on internships in the hopes that real work experience will prepare them for what comes after college. Luckily, the Career Services Center on campus specializes in helping MSU students find internships and jobs.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

MSU International Students Recap

Kelly Quaine, a junior at Michigan State University, works in the International Center on MSU’s campus where she said she gets firsthand experience with international students.

Quaine said there are international students who get sponsored by their government to come to MSU, and there are others who come to MSU simply just for a better education.

Director of the Office for International Students and Scholars Peter Briggs said OISS works to connect international students to the MSU community by informing students about groups on campus they can join that are geared toward international students and different events that they can attend to broaden their horizons in both the social and cultural aspect of life in America.

On Sunday, Nov. 17, OISS and international students at MSU put on the Global Festival, an annual event held for international students to visually inform the East Lansing and Lansing community about their home country through exhibits, games and performances.

MSU International Students Preview

That is the number of international students enrolled at Michigan State University, according to the 2012 Statistical Report done by the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). This number is a 70 percent increase from five years prior when OISS reported 3,869 international students enrolled at MSU in the fall 2007 semester.

With such a significant percentage increase in just five years, one might wonder why it is that so many international students choose to come to MSU?

Living in a new country that has a completely different culture and language from one’s own could place a large amount of pressure on someone, so OISS has a variety of programs available to ease the transition into American culture for international students.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Laundry is Done and Lauren Can Relax

After finally finding some spare time in her day, Lauren Moeggenberg took that as an opportunity to catch up on her laundry.

Lauren has been very busy the past couple weeks; her class schedule, job obligations and the upcoming visit that she is paying to her good friend, Annie, has barely given Lauren any time to catch up on her chores.

The laundry task was not completely smooth sailing, however. Lauren had to carry her large load of laundry all the way to the basement, which can be quite a workout if you are carrying anything heavy.

Because all of the washing machines were in use, Lauren had to wait around for a washing machine to open up. Lauren decided that since only one washing machine became available during the time she was in the laundry room, her only choice was to put all of her laundry into one washer.

Surprisingly, Lauren washed all of her darks and lights together in one load without any mishaps occurring! Now she can relax and look forward to the fun weekend that lies ahead of her at Butler University.

Lauren Does Laundry

After being busy with numerous group projects, classes and studying, my roommate Lauren Moeggenberg has finally found the time to do her laundry.

Lauren has an exam and job interview tomorrow, followed by a long weekend at Butler University to visit her hometown best friend, Annie, so now is the perfect time for Lauren to tackle that pile of laundry that she has been postponing.

Since Lauren will be home for the remainder of the evening and has some free time tonight, she has decided to wash her bedding too!

Lauren is not particularly fond of doing laundry since she has to walk up and down three flights of stairs in Kappa Delta, which is where we live, holding her large loads of laundry.